According to the Articles of Association of Konecranes, the Company has to have at least one regular APA auditor and one deputy auditor, or alternatively at least one auditing corporation, with an APA auditor as the responsible auditor. The auditors are elected to their office for a term expiring at the end of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders following the election. Ernst & Young Oy, Authorized Public Accountant Firm, has been the Company’s external auditor since 2006. Ms. Kristina Sandin served as Principal Auditor in 2020 and has been in this position since 2015. Ernst & Young Oy and its affiliated audit companies received EUR 3.7 million fees for auditing Konecranes Group companies in 2020 and fees of EUR 0.9 million for non-audit services. In 2019, the corresponding fees were EUR 3.3 million and EUR 0.4 million.

Last modified: Mar 16, 2021