2021年尼国际是成功的。尤文图斯官方区域合作伙伴我们抓住了on the market recovery, navigating the supply chain constraints and component shortages. Our profitability improved significantly, with the adjusted EBITA margin for the full year reaching 9.8 percent. Simultaneously, we prioritized the safety of our people and customers as the COVID-19 pandemic entered its second year, utilizing best practices from our global organization.

In February 2022, we announced our new Science-Based climate targets, taking our commitments even further. Our new targets are in line with the Paris Agreement, aiming to limit global warming to 1.5°C. First, we commit to reduce emissions in our own operations by 50 percent by 2030. Second, we commit to reduce emissions in our value chain by 50 percent by 2030, encompassing the use of sold products and steel-related purchases.

Year 2022 will be exciting for Konecranes. Our team’s continued strong commitment and performance focus, as well as our record-high orderbook, provides a solid foundation for the year.

Teo Ottola

CFO & Interim CEO



MEUR (16.4%)
Order intake


MEUR (0.2%)
Net sales


Adjusted EBITA margin


MEUR (18.7%)
Order book


Number of active and pending patents




Konecranes publishedits new sustainability targets, prepared in 2021 and published in early 2022, encompassing not only its own operations, but the value chain as well. In line with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), the targets have been validated based on the latest climate science and the goals of the Paris Agreement in keeping the rise in global temperature below 1.5°C.

2021 was a big yearfor our sustainable offering. We launched the electric Generation 6 Mobile Harbor crane in June. Deliveries for the E-VER, a lift truck with a state-of-the-art electric driveline, equipped with a lithium-ion battery powering its two motors, started in 2021.

On October 1, 2020Konecranes announced a merger with Cargotec to create a global leader in sustainable material flow. The completion of the Merger is subject to necessary merger control approvals having been obtained and other conditions to completion having been fulfilled. Until all merger closing conditions are met and the merger completed, both companies continue to operate fully separately and independently.

COVID-19continued to be a factor in 2021, but the resilience of our people and our technological leadership allowed us to come through for our customers.

Profitabilityimproved significantly, with the adjusted EBITA margin for the full year reaching 9.8 percent. Our order book also broke the EUR 2 billion mark at the end of December. This combined with continued strong commitment and performance focus across our whole organization, provides a solid foundation for Konecranes’ 2022 performance.



2021 was an operational success for Service, through the combination of our dedicated people and our leadership in technology. Order intake bounced back in 2021, especially in EMEA and the Americas. Although component shortages and logistics delays impacted Service sales, Service reached an impressive EBITA margin of 18.5 percent for the full year.

Industrial Equipment

2021 was a comeback year for Industrial Equipment, bouncing back from the harshest effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, even if the market volatility caused by the pandemic remained. Orders received in Industrial Equipment improved, with an increase in standard cranes, process cranes and components.

Port Solutions

Global container throughput remained high in 2021. Port Solutions seized on the positive market sentiment, with strong cumulative orders in the first and second quarter. Port Solutions’ order book reached close to the EUR 1 billion mark, totalling MEUR 983.5 at the end of December.


We work for a decarbonized and circular world together with our customers and partners, substituting existing technology with lower-emission alternatives. In an interconnected world, material flows sustain the well-being of people, success of businesses and societal functions. Konecranes’ knowledge and innovative technologies, solutions and services constitute a key link in these material flows.

我们生命周期价值最大化和消除浪费resources, energy and time throughout the whole value chain. Our culture is rooted on uncompromised safety, high ethics and diversity and inclusion.

In 2021 we

  • Set new ambitious Science-Based climate targets for our own operations and for our value chain that are in line with the with the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
  • Continued to drive our diversity agenda forward by implementing inclusive recruitment practises and establishing four internal employee groups that strive to develop diversity and inclusion.
  • Put special focus on supporting our employees’ mental health and adaptation to new ways of working.

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In a number of jurisdictions, in particular in Australia, Canada, South Africa, Singapore, Japan and the United States, the distribution of this publication may be subject to restrictions imposed by law (such as registration of the relevant offering documents, admission, qualification and other regulations). In particular, neither the merger consideration shares nor any other securities referenced in this publication have been registered or will be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”) or the securities laws of any state of the United States and as such neither the merger consideration shares nor any other security referenced in this publication may be offered or sold in the United States except pursuant to an applicable exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act. This publication is neither an offer to sell nor the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation or sale in the United States or any other jurisdiction in which such offering, solicitation or sale would be unlawful. This publication must not be forwarded, distributed or sent, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, in or into the United States or any jurisdiction where the distribution of these materials would breach any applicable law or regulation or would require any registration or licensing within such jurisdiction. Failure to comply with the foregoing limitation may result in a violation of the U.S. Securities Act or other applicable securities laws.

Last modified: Feb 28, 2022