Remote Operating Station for Metals Production facilities

Designed for improved safety and functionality

我们的远程操作站(ROS)是一个multifunctional electronic desk that can show real-time camera views of your crane’s operating environment as well as crane- and process-related information. It allows your crane to be operated from a distant control room away from the crane operating area, and without a direct line of sight to the crane.

Fully automated cranes with a remote operating station allow metals production facilities to be designed for even better safety and working conditions. Because your crane is operated from a distance, your operator’s exposure to potential hazards in the typical operating environments is reduced. In addition, the cameras improve visibility to previously obscured views. ROS removes the need for an operator chair and pulpit, which alleviates potential dangers associated with a glass-fronted control room and helps streamline and centralize the workforce in a safe location.

Remote operation allows the location of the control room to be based on your plant’s needs instead of your crane’s needs. An operator’s cabin and access ways to it are no longer necessary, leading to potential cost savings. And all of your cranes can be driven from the same place without the need for crane-specific controls.

Lifting technology that can pay for itself

Our latest generation of fully- or semi-automated cranes with a Remote Operating Station allow new steel mills to be designed for even better safety and efficiency. Where it formerly required a team of nine operators to run three cranes over three shifts, the ROS allows two operators to run three cranes from a central location with improved working conditions. With only two cranes in a bay, one operator can handle both effectively. In addition to streamlining the labor force, the ROS saves time and promotes efficiency. Instead of climbing down from the cranes for a break, operators can access a break room positioned adjacent to the ROS.

The result is a versatile, efficient workforce that is able to respond to changing conditions, and achieve a significant reduction in operating costs.